Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking

Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking

Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking Training Hours1 Delivery Method on-demand, self study Description A full tutorial on options to make free choice bookmarks, or learning paths targeted for simplicity of use; push out important content to students in quick-link format....
Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking

Providing Accommodations and Scaffolds

Providing Accommodations and Scaffolds Training Hours1 Delivery Method on-demand, self study Description How do you support students with IEPs, language learners, and older students with developing literacy skills in an asynchronous distance learning environment?...
Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking

Weebly: The Free Website Builder

Weebly: The Free Website Builder Training Hours1 Delivery Method on-demand, self study Description I will share how I implemented Seesaw into my classroom and how it was a great transition into digital learning. TrainerEllen Brooks Cost for AttendeesFREE EPSB...
Symbaloo- Interactive Bookmarking

Bitmojis Reaching the Classroom and Beyond

Bitmojis Reaching the Classroom and Beyond Training Hours1 Delivery Method on-demand, self study DescriptionJoin me to learn how to create an interactive and engaging virtual classroom using your Bitmoji. Once created, you can use your Bitmoji classroom for distance...