Volume 60, Issue 5
KEA Professional Excellence Offering Numerous Training & Learning Opportunities for Members this Fall

October Professional Learning Design Institute:
Do you have strategies and skills that support educators and students? You can turn your knowledge into a professional learning opportunity that helps other educators throughout Kentucky.
KEA is working to create additional supports and resources for educators in the classroom. We need your expertise to help identify, design, and create this work. In addition, we need your help delivering this content to Kentucky Educators.
Who Qualifies: Teachers or ESP’s (especially bus drivers, paraeducators, and custodial staff). Every volunteer MUST:
- Be an active KEA member in good standing
- Currently work in a KY public school district
- Well versed in education issues and methods that impact their profession
- Be willing to share your knowledge, ideas, and expertise with others
September 25: A virtual general interest meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Eastern.
Register here for the general interest meeting:
KEA’s Learn & Lead Professional Learning Portal | Interest Meeting: KEA Design Institute (learnupon.com)
October 25-26: An In-person workshop will be held at KEA Headquarters in Frankfort.
Fall Professional Development Offerings
September 18: Classroom Management: Meeting the needs of ALL Students, 7:00 p.m. Eastern.
October 16: Inclusive Integration Strategies, 7:00 p.m. EST.
Register here: KEA’s Learn & Lead Professional Learning Portal | EXL24: Inclusive Integration Strategies October 16,2024 (learnupon.com)
November 20: Assistive Technology in the Classroom, 7:00 p.m. EST.
Register here: KEA’s Learn & Lead Professional Learning Portal | EXL24: Assistive Technology in the Classroom- Nov. 20, 2014 (learnupon.com)
Kentucky Rank Advancement Academy News (KRAA)
We need mentors! Mentors are essential to the success of our Kentucky Rank Advancement Academy candidates.
If you have ever wanted to help others grow and develop into a more effective educator this is the opportunity for you.
Mentor Requirements:
- KEA member or recent KEA Retired Member- (within 3 years)
- Minimum of 8 years of experience in Education
- Currently hold a master’s degree, Rank I Certification, Doctorate, or NBCT Certification in KY
- Hold a valid KY Teaching License
- Ability to commit to working with a group of 7-10 educators over the course of a 2 year commitment
Find out more and apply to be a KRAA mentor and help your fellow educators here: KRAA Mentor – Kentucky Education Association (kea.org)
KRAA October Cohort
Registration for the KRAA Continuing Education Option October cohort ends September 15! Reserve your spot before it fills up here:
KEA CEO Option – Kentucky Education Association
KRAA January Cohort
Registration for the KRAA Continuing Education Option January cohort will be open for registration from October 15- December 15, 2024.
National Board News KEA/NBCT: Maintenance of Certification Cohort
This cohort will meet the last Sunday of each month. It is designed for current NBCT’s who are seeking their Maintenance of Certification.
FREE to KEA MEMBERS/$200 for non-KEA members.
Register Here:
KEA’s Learn & Lead Professional Learning Portal | NBCT24-25: MOC Cohort (learnupon.com)