Volume 58, Issue 9
Access to KEA professional learning is available through a free Learn Upon account

KEA offers more than 200 professional learning opportunities for members every year. To keep up with demand, and to ensure a great user experience, KEA uses the “Learn Upon” portal.
Learn Upon manages registration for each event and provides convenient access to learning materials. It’s the place to go to get your certificate of completion for any professional learning in which you participate.
It’s easy to find Learn Upon on our website, www.kea.org Once you are on our site, you can click “KEA Learn Upon” on the top blue banner or you can go to the “Professionalism” page to access the portal. Every new user must create a personal account that you can use in the future. By taking a short survey, Learn Upon offers opportunities available to you based on your responses.
Each learner has a “Dashboard” which is your Personal Learning Folder. This folder keeps track of all the courses you have registered for and/or enrolled in. It is where you go to access course materials and certificates of completion.
Once you are registered, the full list of KEA course offerings can be viewed in the “Store” and the “Catalog.” The Store is where you will find courses that require a fee. Keep in mind that most of our professional learning courses are FREE to KEA members, but there is a fee required for any potential member who chooses to take advantage of programs funded and developed with KEA membership dues. Other programs that are offered through the portal, but which are not developed by KEA are offered at a reduced rate for members. For example, National Board Jump Start is found in the Store at a cost of $100 for members and $225 for potential members.
The Catalog is where most registered learners will spend their time. This is where all of KEA’s FREE offerings are listed. These include previously recorded webinars as well as upcoming events and sessions.
If you have not created your KEA Learn Upon account, please do so as soon as possible. Once you have completed your profile you will have access to all the amazing and useful professional learning opportunities KEA has to offer.
If you get stuck or need help navigating the system please contact Michelle Grimes Jones, KEA Director of Professional Excellence, at mjones@kea.org You may also contact Beth Shepherd at beth.shepherd@kea.org
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