August 2024

KEA Members Lead the Way as 103 Newly Certified NBCTs Are Recognized by Commonwealth

Kentucky’s National Board Certified Teacher’s Network threw a party in 2024, recognizing the commonwealth’s 103 newly-certified NBCT’s and its 253 Maintenance of Certification (MOC) teachers. Kentucky has the 10th-largest class of new NBCTs in the country, and the Commonwealth now has 4,373 NBCTs overall.

Led by Jana Bryant, Kentucky’s NBCT Network President and KEA member, speakers at the event included Lisa Hanson, President-elect of the Kentucky National Board Network and Scott County Education Association President, Kevin Dailey, 2024 Kentucky Teacher of the Year and KEA member from Boone County, KEA President Eddie Campbell, and public-school teacher and Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman.

“National Board Certified Teachers are the best of the best,” said Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman. “Earning this distinction is not easy and proves these educators’ commitment to their students and dedication to their careers.”

Kentucky has strong statewide support for National Board certification. NBCTs are entitled to an annual $2,000 salary bonus for the life of their certificate. Upon successful completion of National Board certification, Kentucky teachers currently holding a Rank II certificate are eligible to apply for Rank I status, and those currently holding a Rank III certificate are eligible to apply for Rank II.

The road to obtaining National Board certification is challenging; the process requires nearly 400 hours of time and effort to achieve. Educators must submit a detailed portfolio that includes examples of student work, an outline of what teachers have done outside of the classroom to improve student achievement and video recordings that show how they teach and interact with students. In addition, they must submit a reflective piece on student assessment and learning and then take a rigorous exam to demonstrate they have mastered the content of their chosen certification area.

KEA offers Jump Start opportunities for new NBCT candidates each year in December and January. In addition, we host a monthly NBCT/ MOC Cohort to assist National Board Teachers with their required Maintenance of Certification. Visit, for more details about our multiple support options.   

For more information about National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and KY NBCT guidelines for certification, visit the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards webpage and the KDE National Board Certification webpage.

Here is a list of the 103 New Kentucky National Board Certified Teachers. Congratulations to all!

Kenneth Alford • Stacey Altwies • Taylor Barbee • Tishia Bartley • Jessica Bate • Amanda Baxter • Casey Bonomo • Angela Brummett • Bridgett Buckner • Sarah Burns • Shawn Butcher • Wendy Carlton • Kayla Carrier • Kelsey Carter • Erin Cartwright • Allison Caudill • Jennifer Chandler • Amy Chavez • Sabrina Coffey • Anna Collins • Mark Conkle • Laura Crance • Kelly Crawhorn • Kristen Elyse Darby • Julie Decker • Lori Delili • Meredith Dill • Krista Duckett • Jennifer Eerenberg • Samuel Ellis •    Robin Emery • Cassandra Fannin • Kimberly Fitch • Amanda Fugate • Jillian Fulton • Steven Givan • Kathryn Goode • Alisha Gray • Victoria Groves • Katie Hale • Kiley Handley • Marissa Herberger • Gretchen Hinkel • Jessica Hoagland • Dena Hodge • Blakeley Hollinsworth • Susan Hoseclaw • Darcy Houston • Teresa Howard • Tonya Howard • Victoria Jenkins • Jennifer Johnson • Sandra Kabalen • Kellee Karsner • Alicia Kelley • Allison Kifer • Amy Knight • Meagan Lacks • Heather Lewis • Angel Lim • Corey Love-Batey • Hali Lucas • Jaimee Luckett • Janice Marcum • Amanda Maugans • Taylor McQueary • Samantha Miles • Jacob Mitchell • Shannon Moran • Tracy Moran • Christina Morris • Stephanie Newbold • Michelle Nichols • Kelsie Parrish • Tierney Phillips • Jackie Pi • Catherine Piatt • Adon Polatka • Penny Preece • Storm Rickard • Krista Riley • Lindsay Ritchie • Kathryn Salyers • Brittany Slone • Kimberly Slucher • Melissa Smedley • Stephanie Smith • Samantha Snyder • Abby Terranova • Andrea Thayer • Lindsey Thomas • Tippi Thompson • Anna Thompson • Matthew Thrasher • Nicole Tschappat • Megan Turner • Tiffany Vincent • Jennifer Wallace • Emory Wells • Amanda Weyhing • Joy Williams • Amberly Wilson • Kasey Wilson